Sarah Curtiss (Program Director) has been working for Men As Peacemakers since 2015. She has over 10 years of working with survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Sarah worked as a domestic violence shelter advocate at Dabinoo’Igan Shelter, ran a 5 agency long-term homelessness project called the Giiwe Mobile team through the American Indian Community Housing Organization, and spent six year providing training and technical assistance for tribal communities both nationally and locally as the Coordinator of the Sacred Hoop Coalition through Mending the Sacred Hoop. As a member of the Oshkii Giizhik Singers, an Anishinaabe women’s hand drum group, Sarah encourages women to use their voices to speak up and speak out against injustice. Her greatest accomplishment, in her opinion, is that she is the mother to a dynamic and funny son named Allan.