Working in the sexual assault field, we know that there are also male survivors in the community.  On campus, being a male and sexual assaulted in a fraternity can contribute to the silence that we know exists.  Here is a report from Shira Tarrant for Ms. Magazine on male sexual assault on campus and the continued issue of silence.  While this continues to happen, there are several great programs nationwide that work to address this issue and bring to light the issue of sexual assault as an issue that not only affects women or men, but as an issue that affects everyone in our society.

Our society is scared to talk about sexual assault, our society doesn’t know how to talk about sexual assault, there is no discourse for sexual assault. If the question is, could Drake do a better job of raising awareness about sexual assault? The answer is yes. But, as much as this is a fault on Drake, this is a fault on our society as a whole- survivor of sexual assault.