Last year, CALCASA’s advocacy efforts created the “California Victim Services Fund” as part of the voluntary contributions option for the California State Tax Return. In its first year on the tax return, over $220,000 was generated. For 2016, we must hit the $250,000 minimum, in order to remain on the tax return.
With that, CALCASA has created tools and images for you to promote the Victim Services Fund on social media and in your community. Together we can meet (and exceed!) the $250,000 threshold in order to bolster funding for direct services and to meet the needs of California survivors.
Food For Thought:
— Last year, 21,231 individuals made a contribution to the California Victim Services Fund.
— According to the Franchise Tax Board, voluntary contributions are tax deductible in the next reporting year!
April was the month with the highest amount of contributions – $78,492. Coincidence? I think not! April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and April 15 is Tax Day!
Promote the Voluntary Contribution during your SAAM activities. Print out the flyer and drop off at local tax preparers’ offices.
— For 2016, we already have a head start – in January, 878 individuals that contributed to the fund!
Download the tools today and help us spread the word!