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This panel is part of a series of “Pay it Forward” Projects facilitated and organized by fellows from Cohort 9.

This webinar/panel brings together the movements of intimate partner violence (IPV) advocacy and restorative justice among those who have harmed and been harmed. While much of the work requires systems-based approaches, these systems/programs are siloed and have an isolated impact (focused work with individual survivors), whereas the expansion to multi-pronged solutions can be transformative for the communities we serve. The webinar will begin with framing the history and connections of these movements, before moving into a panel with professionals currently engaged in restorative practices.


Hosts: Michele Richard (she/her) and Em Alves (they/them)

Panelists: Carol Graham (Urban Resource Institute), Pamela Andrews (Safe Horizon)


Transitioning from Separation to Expansion - Slides Abusive Partner Intervention Program (APIP) Resource List PIF Webinar .docx Changing the Domestic Violence Narrative: Aligning Definitions and Standards