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When you hear the word onboarding, most of us can easily speak to a bad experience of coming into a new role with inadequate or no training, support, documentation, or information where you had to “just figure it out.” Well guess what, you can be that first leader to offer your employees the best onboarding and transition experience to support their success from day one to their final day on staff. I invite you to join me for a training session that will outline the nuts and bolts of successful onboarding and transition processes for implementation at your organization.


  • Understand the importance and impact of effective onboarding and transition processes
  • Be equipped with tools and resources to support the development of organizational onboarding and transition processes

Facilitator: Sarayfah Bolling


LEAP Onboarding and Transition 101

30_60_90 Day Goal-Setting Template

Onboarding Checklist for Managers

Transition Checklist and Worksheet Onboarding New Employees: Maximizing Success