Dawn Anderson-Thurmond(she/her) exemplifies a lifelong commitment to empowering those impacted by Domestic Violence and the eradication of institutional and cultural violence. Dawn brings her vision for advocacy and passion for empowering marginalized individuals to her role as Director of the YWCA’s Dove House Domestic Violence Shelter. Along with an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of the individuals she serves, Dawn has a wealth of experience working in both the Juvenile and Adult justice systems, serving individuals with behavioral health needs as well as an advocate within Specialty Courts.
Prior to coming to YWCA Hamilton, Dawn dedicated her talents and vision to providing supportive services and education to women and families to help reduce infant mortality. Dawn currently works closely with The Ohio Domestic Violence Network and Butler County Domestic Violence and Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition to help foster change in our economic, social, and political systems.

Dawn holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Cincinnati and is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and a Behavioral Health Specialist. Dawn serves as a Board Member for Booker T Washington Community Center, an Advisory Board Member for Healthy Mom’s and Babes Cincinnati, and a Member of the Women of Color Caucus of Ohio, who are influencing policy and systems to more effectively respond to violence against women of color.

When not focused on serving as a catalyst for equality and social justice, you may find her at a game or performance alongside her husband, cheering on her children and being the #1 MomFan! As an active member of the Hamilton Fitton Run Club, Dawn values health, family, and community. Dawn is energized by every opportunity to have a positive impact on equity and inclusion and is highly motivated to continue this work alongside YWCA Hamilton.