Huvona Watkins is the founder of Vona’s Angels a nonprofit organization in St. Louis whose mission is to raise awareness of sexual abuse in the community. Being a survivor herself, Huvona founded this nonprofit in 2011 with a vision to help survivors overcome such a traumatic event with a holistic approach. Vona’s Angels offers support group meetings and chats, monthly open air yoga sessions in the spring and summer, counseling and mentorships with hopes to add additional services in the future. Huvona holds an Associate’s Degree in Applied Sciences and is currently finishing up her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services at Columbia College. Not only does Huvona work diligently with her nonprofit organization, she also works as a Program Director at Life Source Consultants while she is in the process of merging to the two organizations. Huvona is also a wife and mother of 3. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her children and husband, volunteering with other organizations and traveling. Huvona is one of the hardest working women you will see as she doesn’t let any spare time go to waste.