I find that some of the most exciting efforts to engage men to prevent men’s violence against women are from outside the United States.  As sexual violence and domestic violence prevention practitioners search for evidence-based prevention programs, there are many lessons to be learned from aboard. I find many of the international efforts to look at preventing men’s violence against women in a broader context that use a human rights approach and identify linkages to related issues, especially HIV/AIDS prevention and gender socialization as a whole. Each of these efforts demonstrate uses of the resources from their own culture to strengthen a prevention effort.
Last March, over 400 people from around the world attended the Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys to Achieve Gender Equality.  Participants told stories of how this gathering was an exciting gathering of people and organizations that make preventing violence against women a priority.
The recent launch of XY Online from Australia highlights excellent thinking and comprehensive actions to engage men in a wide variety are issues including violence against women.  I recommend this web site to find many resources. Michael Flood, XY Online’s Coordinator, played a key role in developing the excellent report Preventing violence before it occurs: A framework and background paper to guide the primary prevention of violence against women in Victoria. Other international efforts that impress me are Brazil’s Instituto Promundo who’s activities are implemented throughout South America and India., and Sonke Gender Justice in South Africa.
These are only a few of the efforts.  I know I have much more to learn from all of the planet.