Everyone you know is on Facebook — and so is CALCASA. If you already have a Facebook account, you can connect with CALCASA by becoming our fan. Click “Become a Fan” at the top right side of our Facebook page.
By becoming a fan, you’ll receive news about CALCASA in your News Feed. You’ll see pictures of events that CALCASA representatives attended, and you’ll also be able to read news stories in which CALCASA is included.
Just like your Facebook profile, CALCASA informs its fans through status updates. This will keep you in the loop about current projects, events and discussions.
The best part about becoming a fan of CALCASA is that you can participate in the conversation. Not only can you post items on our wall — just like you can with a standard user page — but you can connect with other fans who share a common interest. Maybe there is an event or news story that you think CALCASA may find useful — post the information on our wall! Or if you attended an event with CALCASA, post photos to our Fan Page.
By contributing to CALCASA’s Facebook Page, you become an advocate for CALCASA’s mission, which brings us one step closer to eradicating sexual violence in our communities.
For more information about CALCASA’s Facebook Page, e-mail jessica@calcasa.org.
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