Monday February 1, 2010 was the kickoff for the CALCASA Volunteer Management Training Institute. 

Linda Bowen, Chief, Sexual Assault Branch - CAL-EMA

 This training is designed to meet the needs of Volunteer Managers that work at California rape crisis centers.  Those in attendance had an opportunity to hear from the California Emergency Management Agency (CAL-EMA).    CAL-EMA is a primary funder for  California rape crisis centers.

Linda Bowen, Chief, Sexual Assault Section-Victim Services Branch,of CAL-EMA discussed the training certification process for the sexual assault volunteer training.  She also talked about the evidence codes and penal codes associated with victim confidentiality and qualified advocates.  Those in attendance had an opportunity to ask questions about their program.   Mrs. Bowen also referenced the The Sexual Assault Training Standards: A Trainers Guide for rape counseling centers.  This document was produced by CALCASA in conjunction with experts in the field and funded by CAL-EMA.  This is a very useful tool in helping you build in the required content for your sexual assault volunteer training.