Wendi Siebold

Wendi Siebold

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento
All of California’s Rape Crisis Centers and Domestic Violence Programs are actively engaged in prevention efforts, assisted in part by the Rape Prevention & Education (RPE) funding provided by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
This training will provide prevention educators and their supervisors with the opportunity to develop practical, program-specific, and integrated evaluation tools that will increase our ability to measure program effectiveness and reduce the cost in time and other resources to CDPH.
To prepare for this training, attendees should review the eLearning units of the previous Logic Model and Evaluation web conferences.
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how evaluation tools will help them to more effectively assess the impact of their programs.
  • List at least three program specific short and intermediate term outcomes in their logic models or objectives.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of creative evaluation tools by identifying at least three strategies they can incorporate into their individual programs.


Registration for this training is limited to staff and volunteers at California Rape Crisis Centers and to member agencies of the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, and is free. Registration closes on Friday, April 30, 2010.
In order to give a diversity of California agencies an opportunity to be represented at this workshop, we are limiting registration to one (1) person per agency. If space permits, we will accommodate more participants from a wait list.
> Click here to register or to add your name to the wait list.


Travel stipends for travel, lodging and per diem are available for California RPE Grantees only. Stipend information and application forms are part of the online registration process at the link above.


Wendi L. Siebold, M.A., M.P.H., is a Senior Research Associate and Director of Evaluation, Management and Training’s Northwest office in Seattle, WA. Wendi started her career as a rape crisis advocate in Oakland, CA and decided to contribute to the violence against women movement via prevention research. She specializes in the assessment of organizational and community capacity for prevention, violence prevention research, program planning and evaluation, and provides evaluation capacity-building training using a participatory approach. She currently is the evaluator for the Alaska, Montana and Kansas DELTA statewide intimate partner violence prevention initiatives, and is the coordinator of the evaluators for both the EMPOWER and DELTA national collaboratives. She collaborates with rural and Native communities to prevent substance abuse, bullying, and youth suicide. Wendi holds degrees in Health Behavior & Health Education and Community Psychology, and is a national speaker and writer on topics related to prevention planning and evaluation. She has worked with CALCASA for web conferences for California RPE grantees and the National RPE program, and developed an online presentation for PreventConnect.org.