Webinar Description

On Tuesday, April 27th, from 11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. (PST), the Campus Program will host a webinar on “Critical Concepts for Effective Sexual Assault Response.” Our guest speakers are Donna M. Barry, APN, FN-CSA, Director of the University Health Center at Montclair State University and Paul M. Cell, Chief of Police at Montclair State University, authors of Campus Sexual Assault Response Teams: Program Development and Operational Management.
This webinar will provide some strategies to utilize for evaluating the effectiveness of sexual assault responses on campus. Facilitators will iidentify some of  the primary concepts that are imperative to the structures of victim-centered responses and will provide troubleshooting for dealing with common challenges when implementing and revising campus protocols.
The PowerPoint (in PDF format), presenter resources, transcript of the text chat, and audio recording will be made available within a week of the webinar.
Registration information was distributed via the project directors listserv. The registration link will include “xpjkkbp” at the end.  If you have any difficulty registering, please email CALCASA livia@calcasa.org.