College and university students organizing to combat sexual violence use a multi-tiered approach to advocate for themselves, their peers, and for future generations of students. Some students use Take Back the Night marches which draw attention to sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence. Performance theatre, dance, art and film are hugely popular with college students when looking to convey stories of survivors. However educational, powerful and provocative such strategies are to those engaged in the work or to observers, they require little to no institutional support.

Gaining institutional support is central when collaboratively developing a victim/survivor centered sexual assault policy that outlines what constitutes sexual violence, sanctions for perpetrators and campus/community resources for survivors and/or those that have witnessed violence. Students Active For Ending Rape (SAFER) is an organization based in New York City that fights sexual violence and rape culture by empowering student-led campaigns to reform college sexual assault policies.
To learn more about SAFER, listen to the interview with SAFER’s Sarah Martino, Communications Coordinator and Christine Borges, Policy and Research Coordinator. [podcast][/podcast]