Just Detention International

At this years National Sexual Assault Conference in Hollywood, CA, CALCASA hosted a variety of workshops dedicated to Intervention/Advocacy for advocates working with survivors of sexual violence. Among these workshops was a track dedicated to eliminating prison rape, sponsored by Just Detention International.   This track consisted of 3 workshops, one of which was titled: Working with Department of Corrections to Eliminate Prison Rape: Establishing Institutional SARTs.
Sexual violence in the prison setting is one of the more destructive forms of sexual violence due to many different dynamics. This workshop focused on these dynamics and lessons learned from the work in PA, focusing on the following. 1. Working with the DOC and lessons learned from this collaboration. 2. What an institutional based SART looks like and how it functions. 3. How high level case review of sexual assault cases has improved responses. 4. How to incorporate local sexual assault advocates into the corrections system to meet the needs of incarcerated victims. 5. How sexual assault of inmates and the prison culture is vastly different between male and female inmates. Specifically there are three areas that meaningfully impact life and culture within women’s prisons that were focused on: 1. Social and cultural backgrounds of incarcerated women 2. Pseudo families that develop in prison 3. Prison sexuality, including consensual and non-consensual behaviors.

  • Jennifer Feicht: Independent Consultant
  • Hallie Martyniuk: Independent Consultant

You can download the power point slides for this workshop here.
To view a complete list of workshops, speakers and information related to the 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference, click here.