During the 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference, which took place in Hollywood Sept. 1-3, 2010there were more than 80 workshops. The largest track was the Prevention Track sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Workshop Title: Transforming Communities to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse & Exploitation
Presenter: Annie Lyles, Prevention Institute
Description: Preventing child sexual abuse will require shifting the focus from individuals to environments and from fear to wellness. With support from Ms Foundation, Prevention Institute convened local and national leaders to identify an approach, framework and strategies that could be used to support this shift, cultivate investment in promising primary prevention strategies and foster continued dialogue to maximize change in communities. This session included lessons learned from the consensus process and ways to counter speci?c norms prevalent in the US that contribute to child sexual abuse. These lessons and potential strategies were presented through a primary prevention approach tailored to the skills of practitioners and advocates and a focus on multi-sectoral collaborations. The session also highlighted the importance of forming new partnerships and engaging local leaders to formulate a comprehensive strategy that will transform their community.

  • Slides [PDF]
  • Transforming Communities to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: A Primary Prevention Approach [Link to download]

To view a complete list of workshops, speakers and information related to the 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference, click here.