Today — Oct. 1 — marks the first day of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Although CALCASA’s primary membership is the 85 rape crisis centers and rape prevention programs in the state, the issue of domestic violence is not mutually exclusive to ending sexual assault. CALCASA’s membership includes dual agencies, which provide crisis intervention services to members of the community that have experienced domestic violence or have been sexually assaulted.
To raise awareness about domestic violence, the Sacramento community will join together on Monday, Oct. 25 at 3:04 p.m. to take a break in an effort to Break the Silence on Domestic Violence. At the appointed hour, the city sidewalks of Sacramento will fill with a sea of purple as community members leave their offices to walk around the block in remembrance of survivors of domestic violence. Oct. 25 represents the 25 percent of women who will experience interpersonal violence in her lifetime.
Community members are also invited to unite in support. Here’s how:

  1. Visit WEAVE’s website and sign a pledge to commit your participation to this momentous event.
  2. On Monday, Oct. 25, wear purple — the color of domestic violence awareness.
  3. At 3:04 p.m. that day, take a short break and walk around the block in solidarity with others to remember those who have survived domestic violence.

“This is an easy way for people to get involved,” says Beth Hassett, WEAVE Executive Director. “Grab your office mates and take a short break. When you step outside your office door, we hope you’ll see other people wearing purple and walking in solidarity from work places and homes near yours. It’s a simple act, but we’re hoping the impact will demonstrate just how many people are affected by domestic violence in our community.”
For details about the event and to make your pledge, visit