In this podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Miller, a pediatrician and researcher with UC Davis Children’s Hospital speaks about her April 2010 article “Pregnancy coercion, intimate partner violence and unintended pregnancy” that appeared in the journal Contraception. In this discussion, she explores reproductive coercion and the implications for primary prevention of teen dating violence and sexual violence.
Elizabeth Miller on reproductive coercion
Below is the abstract and full citation for this article:
Pregnancy Coercion, Intimate Partner Violence and Unintended Pregnancy.
Miller E, Decker M.R, McCauley H.L, Tancredi D.J, Levenson R.R, Waldman J, Schoenwald P, Silverman J.G. Contraception Volume 81, Issue 4, 316–322, April 2010. Click here for abstract on the journal’s website and click here for the article.

Background: Reproductive control including pregnancy coercion (coercion by male partners to become pregnant) and birth control sabotage (partner interference with contraception) may be associated with partner violence and risk for unintended pregnancy among young adult females utilizing family planning clinic services.
Study Design: A cross-sectional survey was administered to females ages 16–29 years seeking care in five family planning clinics in Northern California (N=1278).
Results: Fifty-three percent of respondents reported physical or sexual partner violence, 19% reported experiencing pregnancy coercion and 15% reported birth control sabotage. One third of respondents reporting partner violence (35%) also reported reproductive control. Both pregnancy coercion and birth control sabotage were associated with unintended pregnancy (AOR 1.83, 95% CI 1.36–2.46, and AOR 1.58, 95% CI 1.14–2.20, respectively). In analyses stratified by partner violence exposure, associations of reproductive control with unintended pregnancy persisted only among women with a history of partner violence.
Conclusions: Pregnancy coercion and birth control sabotage are common among young women utilizing family planning clinics, and in the context of partner violence, are associated with increased risk for unintended pregnancy.