Mateo Lumbreras, Program Manager, Prevention Department, Women’s Crisis Support~Defensa de Mujeres

This week, eight California rape crisis centers are participating in a four-day Green Dot etcetera training in Sacramento, Calif. During the next year, CALCASA and the selected agencies will explore how Green Dot works, learn lessons about implementation and evaluate how this program can support California’s rape crisis centers.

During the first couple days of the training, Dorothy Edwards, lead Green Dot presenter and author of its prevention strategy, focused on building sustained community connections, leading from a space of authenticity and how to approach the Green Dot strategy. When this four-training is complete, participants will take this information back to its respective communities and implement the Green Dot prevention program into a specific target audience — community college students, high school students, etc.

In the video above, Mateo Lumbreras, a Green Dot participant from Women’s Crisis Support~Defensa de Mujeres, talks about which elements of the training has resonated with him in the first couple days.