So often when I go to a training or web conference, the presenter goes through a Powerpoint presentation with too many words and just provides information on top of information. While there is content, this is not very conducive to actually learning.

I am impressed with this graphic of Adult Learning Principles from Nicole Legault’s blog Flirting w/ eLearning. As we are developing and implementing sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts, Adult learning principles provide useful guidance to creating interactions that are meaningful and are more likely to lead to change.

And adult learning principles do not apply only to adults. These are helpful in our work with youth.

During PreventConnect web conferences we try to build on the knowledge of our audience and create opportunities to interact. That is why we have such a vibrant chat. I believe the best learning takes place as we are engaged, not when we are merely taking in information.

I tried to incorporate these concepts when I speak publicly, but it is easy to fall back on just providing information.

How do you use adult learning principles in your training and prevention work?