Each of us can play a role in ending dating violence — in our schools, our homes, our neighborhoods, and our dormitories. This month and throughout the year, let every American look out for one another, stand with survivors, speak out against dating violence, and build communities where abuse is never tolerated.

No More Silence It's Time to Talk

February 4 is It’s Time to Talk Day

President Obama’s Proclamation of February as National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month calls on everyone to take action to prevent dating violence. Yesterday I joined over 150 parents, teachers, students, prevention educators and others at Peace Over Violence’s 5th Violence-Free Teens Conference where I was inspired by the passion of parents in Pico-Union who are working to prevent teen dating violence through events such as Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead). I was impressed with the commitment of the High school students from Franklin High School in Highland Park who shared how they are going to be active in advancing teen dating violence prevention policies in their school.
This month will have many opportunities for people to to take action. Today is It’s Time to Talk Day. In schools, social media, and other places we can promote healthy relationship and build the community of people dedicated to making change. Later this week PreventConnect will release several podcasts about some of these efforts.
What are you going to do to prevent dating violence?