PreventConnect is pleased to share its 2014 series of web conferences. As PreventConnect‘s Ashley Maier and Prevention Institute‘s Annie Lyles explain in the introductory video below, this year’s web conferences focus on the theme, Joining our fellow travelers: Practical applications for expanding the impact of sexual & domestic violence prevention efforts. Web conferences in this series focus on better understanding how sexual and domestic violence preventionists work with all the people in our community, including looking at policies, institutional practices, and reaching new audiences.  Watch the message from Annie Lyles and Ashley Maier below to learn more about the series.

screen capture of Annie Lyles and Ashley Maier sitting side by side with as the captionJoining our fellow travelers:
Practical applications for expanding the impact of
sexual & domestic violence prevention efforts

Web Conferences
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
(2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern)

  • March 25: Foundations in Prevention (in collaboration with Prevention Institute)  – Register now!
    • Interested in preventing sexual and domestic violence in your community? Want to engage in a discussion about the underlying causes of sexual and domestic violence and understand how to effectively address these root causes? Join Prevention Institute’s Annie Lyles along with special guests for this introductory web conference reviewing the fundamentals of a public health approach to preventing violence. Highlighting promising, innovative practices, they will discuss how to use the Spectrum of Prevention to create comprehensive strategies to address this complex issue.  This web conference will also focus on five norms that make sexual and domestic violence more likely to occur and share strategies to effectively shift norms and prevent violence.
  • March 26: Intimate Partner Violence in the United States – 2010: Implications for Prevention
  • April 24: Growing Our Impact: Moving from individual awareness building to community norms change strategies as a part of sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts (in collaboration with Prevention Institute)
  • May 21: Public Sector Partnerships: The role of local government in sexual and domestic violence prevention initiatives (in collaboration with Prevention Institute)
  • June 26: All Communities are Not Created Equal:  Advancing health equity goals to enhance sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts (in collaboration with Prevention Institute)
  • September 17: Shifting our Goal from Individual Knowledge Change to a Community Mobilized for Norms Change: What does it take to move from a skills building focus to practice and policy change success?(in collaboration with Prevention Institute)

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