According to our partners at the Stalking Resource Center, a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime, over 7.5 million people are stalked each year in the United States. Stalking is often committed by someone the victim knows, and stalking by an intimate partner is the most common and most dangerous type of stalking. This January marks the 14th observation of National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM), a month dedicated to raising the public’s understanding of stalking and calling on communities to learn more about stalking, name it when it happens, and stop it from occurring.
Stalking intersects with both intimate partner violence and sexual violence. The observance of NSAM is a vital time for us to join efforts to raise awareness and to educate the public about stalking and how it relates to other forms of violence. As we elevate the issue of stalking throughout the month, let’s also take this opportunity to work towards solutions to prevent stalking and related forms of violence throughout 2017 and beyond.