The National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC) brings together over 1,700 people who are invested in the response to and prevention of sexual violence. The conference facilitates opportunities to share information and resources, advance learning, develop skills, and increase professional capacity to support survivors of sexual assault, to raise the profile of sexual assault as an important community health and justice issue, and to prevent sexual assault from happening. This year with sexual violence taking over prominent news headlines this gathering is going to be more important than ever. The national conversation is focused on sexual violence and we can plan together to make bold moves.
The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault is excited to announce a call for workshop proposals for the 2018 National Sexual Assault Conference, in Anaheim, CA, at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. The theme of the conference is “Bold Moves: Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation.”
CALCASA is now accepting proposals from organizations and individuals interested in presenting information and/or facilitating workshops at NSAC 2018.

  • We will be focusing on two categories this year:
    Intervention and Advocacy for Survivors

Below is the link the to the submission form:
Click here for more information on how to submit your proposal. 
All proposals must be submitted online and received by January 16, 2018 11:59 pm PST.
Applicants will receive notice by March 28, 2018. For each workshop session, only one (1) presenter will receive one (1) free conference registration and one (1) night’s lodging at the federal or state government rate, if the presenter’s office is more than 50 miles from the conference site (per government guidelines). If the workshop has multiple presenters, then they must select one individual to receive the one (1) free conference registration and one (1) night’s lodging, as permitted. CALCASA will not reimburse for any other expenses incurred by the selected presenter(s) for each workshop.