Thursday, April 5, our CEO Sandra Henriquez and I appeared before the California State Senate Budget Subcommittee on State Administration to testify in support of our $50 million budget ask to invest in prevention strategies and intervention services to end sexual and domestic violence in California.  Joined by Krista Niemcyzk of the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, Beth Hassett of WEAVE, and Tracy Lamb of NEWS, we highlighted revelations from our newly issued report The Cost and Consequences of Sexual Violence in California, and made the case in front of our state legislature for increasing California’s commitment to survivors.  Our legislative champions, Senator Jim Beall of Santa Clara County and Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio of Los Angeles County, emphasized not only how sexual and domestic violence leave lifelong scars on survivors that require a major investment to heal, but also highlighted the tremendous financial burdens stemming from violence that are already being placed on Californians now.  Sexual violence alone costs the state $140 billion, as compared to an investment from the California general fund of only $45,000 to our local rape crisis programs. Our representatives in Sacramento now understand that must change, with Senator Richard Roth, chair of the Budget Subcommittee on State Administration, declaring that investing in prevention and intervention services can and should be a top priority for the State of California.
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