Sexual violence impacts people of all identities and walks of life, yet victimization data demonstrate that the prevalence of sexual violence experience is not even across ethnicities. Per the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), one in three multiracial women reported an experience of sexual assault, versus one-quarter of American Indian or Alaska Natives, one in five black women, and one in seven Hispanic women. These differences in prevalence have implications for prevention funding and culturally relevant programming.

Core issues, such as safe housing and economic opportunity must be addressed to end sexual violence. Race Counts is a database that uses an array of indicators to demonstrate the disparity in the following key areas: crime and justice, democracy, economic opportunity, education, health care access, healthy built environment, and housing. From the CDC’s STOP SV report, we know that many of these indicators are modifiable risk factors that we can tackle in our mission to end sexual violence.