October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, this is a time when we focus on the issues that contribute to domestic violence and engage our communities to contribute and renew our commitment to ending domestic violence. Each year our sister organization the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (The Partnership) holds a month-long campaign focused on the issue of domestic violence and calls us to use our voices, to act and contribute to lasting impacts that will end and prevent gender-based violence.
Make Your Voice Heard
This year The Partnership launched its campaign, Getting Back to Our Roots: The Personal Is Political, and it’s centered on civic engagement. The get out the vote, and voter education campaign is focused on educating our communities on issues that affect survivors of domestic violence and to encourage Californian’s to vote. They offer resources to help individuals get registered and learn more about what will be included on their ballot. They also have exciting resources to help spread the word on social media and include the questions we can ask to learn more about our candidate’s commitment to ending gender-based violence.
We encourage everyone to take part in Domestic Violence Awareness Month and make your voice heard! Domestic and sexual violence share common risk factors and CALCASA strongly believes that we cannot end violence against women without addressing all oppressive factors that contribute to gender-based violence. As we described in the CALCASA report Reciprocal Advancement – Building Linkages Between Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, together we can bolster resources and leverage our strengths to end and prevent violence. Let’s honor the voices of survivors and make sure that all of our communities know about the issues impacting survivors.