According to Google’s search engine, there are several thousand definitions for ‘leadership’ that include, vision, motivation, team building, managing, and risk-taking. In addition, to the numerous definitions and concepts, leadership requires us to hone and practice skills that inspire other to reach common goals. It is the practice of leadership where we see opportunity for growth and advancement. Unfortunately, many advocates of color working in the anti-gender based violence field confront cultural barriers and limitations to their leadership and thus their advancement in the movement.
To this end, the Leadership Education Advancement for Professional (LEAP) Program, developed by California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) and Women of Color Network (WOCN) Inc. is a year long fellowship program aim at enhancing the skills of sexual assault and domestic violence advocates of color in executive management positions. Given increased attention to issues of gender-based violence in higher education the military, and other entities beyond community based programs, promoting leadership from the field has become that much more significant.
Applications to become a LEAP Fellow for  Cohort 5  are due on January 30, 2019.  You can get more information by watching this LEAP Information Webinar.