Aerial view of the Senate floor. Text on screen displays vote count for Rosie Hidalgo. Yea 51, Nay 42.

The United States Senate voted to confirm Rosie Hidalgo to become the next Director of the Office on Violence Against Women. Ms. Hidalgo previously served on the White House Gender Policy Council as the Senior Advisor on Gender-Based Violence and Special Assistant to the President. Ms. Hidalgo brings in over 25 years of legislative and grassroots organizing and advocacy. As a recognized leader in gender-based violence prevention field, her appointment is groundbreaking and will help set an equitable, inclusive strategic direction to end gender-based violence.

VALOR staff with Rosie Hidalgo

In her new role, Ms. Hidalgo will provide critical leadership across key federal agencies to address the nation’s response to preventing and ending gender-based violence. VALOR is proud to support Ms. Hidalgo as the new Director of the Office on Violence Against Women.