U.S. Department of Justice
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

In partnership with
California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA)

January 19-21, 2010
in Orlando, Florida

OVW and CALCASA are excited to announce that the registration for the 2010 Winter TTI is now open for OVW Recipients of the Grants To Reduce Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on College Campuses.  The Winter TTI 2010 will be held at the Orlando Resort: Marriott World Center.

The Pre-Institute on Tuesday, January 19th will serve as an Orientation for all New Grantees/First Time TTI participants.  OVW is organizing the Pre-Institute with the aim of assisting grantees in better understanding how campuses can achieve the minimum grant standards.
PLEASE NOTE: Although the Pre-Institute will NOT focus on law enforcement, the Institute will have a variety of trainings specific to law enforcement.
Flagship Meeting will also be held on Tuesday, January 19th from 2pm – 5pm.

The Institute on Wednesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 21st will focus on meeting grant standards while working with underserved communities.  Keynote speakers will frame the issues impacting the campus sexual violence communities while the workshop presenters will provide participants with more tangible, practical skills that can be applied towards ending campus violence.

Registration is restricted to Project Directors and a password is required to access the page

Project Directors, please contact CALCASA to obtain the password

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Katrina Duncan or call 916.446.2520 ext. 331. For more information regarding the TTI content, please contact Althea Hart or Livia Rojas