CALCASA is working with 1in6, a national organization that supports men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood, as they launch a survey to  identify access and barriers to services for male sexual assault survivors.
Recent stories about Penn State, Syracuse University, the Horace Mann school, the Boy Scouts of America and abuse by teachers and coaches, have heightened awareness about the sexual abuse of boys and the long-term negative consequences for the men who experienced it, their families and their communities. This awareness has created a great opportunity for change.
For many years, organizations and agencies all across the country having been reaching out to men who have had childhood experiences of sexual abuse and have provided valuable and innovative programs for male survivors.  Many organizations that serve men with a wide range of seemingly unrelated presenting problems, have been inspired  to enhance their existing programs to better support the  nearly 19 million in the U.S. alone who have been directly affected by childhood sexual abuse.
1in6 has designed a survey to identify programs that are currently providing services to male survivors; barriers that hamper efforts to expand services to men; and what resources and trainings would be most useful to support programs that want to reach out more effectively to men who have experienced sexual abuse.
If you have a program which serves male survivors, please take a few minutes to fill out the survey.