Every February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDAVM), which provides sexual and domestic violence prevention practitioners an opportunity to reflect and assess how they are centering youth leadership and teen dating violence prevention. Young people have taken center stage and led the march (literally) in areas like gun control, climate change, and of course, sexual and reproductive health.


On February 11, CALCASA will join The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence for the annual Orange Day at the Capitol where influential young folks doing real work in this space will  take center stage to speak with legislators and share their thoughts on the movement. After a rally, the day will feature two panels: Prevention Efforts with Traditionally Marginalized Communities and Investing in Youth Leadership that will be co-facilitated by CALCASA’s Sarah Orton. 


Centering youth voices is a critical part of effective prevention, as youth who have lived experiences of oppression and/or dating violence are well positioned to envision the best solutions. 


For more information on teen violence, check out the adolescents section in the 2019 Sexual Violence Research Report: Findings for a Systemic Review of the Literature 2015-2019.


Follow #TDVAM to learn how our partners are engaging on this timely topic!

You can learn more about teen dating violence prevention on the recent blog Preventing Teen Dating Violence from CALCASA’s national project PreventConnect.