Blue backgrouend with Valor.US logo in upper right hand corner, and Advancing Equity, Ending Sexual VIolence, 2021National Sexual Assault Conference in left hand corner. Text says U.S. National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence Summary of LIstening Session Now Avaialble. PIcute of groups of people with text. Download Today!

“It is essential that we, as a movement and a nation, take a holistic and intersectional approach to ending gender-based violence. Violence is preventable.” – SANDRA HENRIQUEZ, ValorUS

On September 1 and 3, 2021, ValorUS (VALOR) hosted two listening session to solicit input from the field of sexual assault providers and prevention practitioners into the U.S. National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence. The first listening session was a follow-up to the 2021 National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC) hosted by VALOR. The second listening session focused on prevention for participants in VALOR’s national project, PreventConnect, the nation’s largest online community of gender-based violence prevention practitioners.

Download VALOR’s Summary of Recommendations to the White House Gender Policy Council for the U.S. National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence.