Vast numbers of Californian have committed  sexual harassment and sexual violence In the last year, according to new reports from the Center for Gender Equity and Health at the University of California San Diego.
1.1 million men and 400,000 women in California reported that they committed at least one form of sexual hararassment or violence in the last year; Cal-VEX 2022: Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSDmore than 78,000 men reporting that they committed forced or coercive sex in the past year;Cal-VEX 2022: Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSD180,000 women and more than 400,000 men committed physical and/or sexual acts of violence against an intimate partner in the past year.Cal-VEX 2022: Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSD
Key findings from a 2022 survey of Californians found that
  • 1.1 million men and 400,000 women in California reported that they committed at least one form of sexual harassment or violence in the last year;
  • more than 78,000 men reporting that they committed forced or coercive sex in the past year;
  • 180,000 women and more than 400,000 men committed physical and/or sexual acts of violence against an intimate partner in the past year.
A number of sexual harassment and violence prevention programs have been shown to reduce perpetration of violence; findings point to the need for greater investments in such prevention activities... Cal-VEX 2022: Center on Gender Equity and Health, UCSDThese reports are an important contribution because they provide information about the perpetuation of harassment and violence. Most research on sexual harassment and violence focus on victimization, but the change we need is to eliminate harassing and abusive behaviors. The sexual harassment and sexual violence report  describe the need for prevention programs:  “A number of sexual harassment and violence prevention programs have been shown to reduce perpetration of violence; findings point to the need for greater investments in such prevention activities…”
The reports, CalVEX 2022: Past-year Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Perpetration in California  and CalVEX 2022: Past-year Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Perpetration in California, are part of a series or reports, Cal-VEX Study: California Study on Violence EXperiences Across the Lifespan, examining violence and its impact, in California.  VALOR’s 2018 report The Cost & Consequences Of Sexual Violence in California demonstrated the annual cost of sexual violence of over $140 billion in tangible and non-tangible costs.